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Cooperation with University of Rzeszów

Didactic assignment of High School includes cooperation with universities. In 2011 it was formally signed with The Institute of Physics and The Institute Of Physiology and Plant Biotechnology of University of Rzeszów.  “Academic class” which was purposely created and which consists of students of High School takes part in classes in the Institute of Physics of the University. Moreover, access to the library and scientific advice was guaranteed.
The cooperation between High School and Departure of Agriculture and Biology of the University of Rzeszów also goes well. DsC Wojciech Litwińczuk supervises the development of a didactic process from biology studies. Thanks to this cooperation students of High School have the possibility of attending classes organized among others in The Laboratory of The Institute of Physiology and Plant Biotechnology which purpose is to familiarize students with research works done in university laboratories, as well as making independent experiments with the use of laboratory equipment.

Cooperation with University of Technology in Rzeszów
Kasia Bomba, the student of High School who realizes advanced curriculum from Science was qualified (as 1 of 4 students from Podkarpackie Voyevodship) to participate in classes in Chemistry Department of University of Technology in Rzeszów in academic year 2011/2012.
Her participation was possible due to the cooperation of the university with High School in the activity of “Academic class” programme.
Taking part in classes with a group of university students Kasia has a chance to improve the skill of planning, assembling laboratory equipment and making many experiments, often long, multistage synthesis of organic compounds and the skill of observation and description of these changes. She was participating in discussions connected with the subject of classes.
The main assumption resulting from the cooperation is providing best possible conditions for the personal development of individual students. Classes run in the university are not only the chance to acquire broad scientific knowledge but also taking advantage of using technical equipment of laboratories.

Due to the agreement made in 2013 between University of Technology of Rzeszów and the Mayor of Boguchawała High School cooperates with Chemistry Department. This cooperation includes mainly the programme of “Academic class”.
The main assumption of it is providing best possible conditions for personal development of each individual student of High School. Classes (lectures, pre-lessons, shows and exercises) run in University of Technology are not only the chance to acquire broad scientific knowledge but also taking advantage of using technical equipment of laboratories. The cooperation comprises also scientific and educational guidance of the most talented students of High School.
Within the framework of annual  Cooperation with the University students of “Academic class” participate in seminars concerning “Chosen problems in chemistry” organized by Chemistry Department and Department of Polish Chemistry Association in Rzeszów. Seminars, which comprise lectures and laboratory classes, are designed for High School students interested in developing and broadening knowledge from contemporary chemistry and related subjects.
Additionally, students of High School take part in monthly three-hour laboratory classes of Chemistry Department. During the classes they improve their planning skills, assembling laboratory equipment and making experiments such as multistage synthesis of organic compounds. Students also get to know ways of observation and description of chemical changes and solving difficult problems from chemistry.
It is also worth to mention, that High School has so far cooperated with different universities, such as University of Rzeszów and UMCS in Lublin.                         

High School in 2017 signed a cooperation agreement with The Institute Of History and The Department Of English Philology of Rzeszów University. Under the agreement, cyclical lectures organized for high school students take place once a month. The agreement guarantees patronage of given classes, classes realized by UR lecturers in Boguchwała, finally, the possibility of taking part in the activity of student’s clubs, which gives an opportunity not only to develop the knowledge but also interpersonal contacts with young people with similar interests.

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